132 HR and Digital Transformation

Learn how to move recruiting online, implement digital learning and development, leverage cloud productivity tools, eliminate the performance review, and start incorporating data into your decision-making. Plus, find out how transforming your employee experience and company culture will lead to increased innovation, productivity, and engagement.

114 How Blockchains Will Change Business

Blockchains are poised to disrupt entrenched industries and shatter conventional business models. Train your brain to see the opportunities and challenges of this next wave of digital change.

105 Following the Digital Thread

A revolutionary manufacturing approach, “digital thread,” is moving the design, manufacture, and testing of industrial parts and machines completely into the digital sphere.

283 The Mindful Workday Introduction

Bring your best self to work. Join Dr. Britt Andreatta in The Mindful Workday, a series of mindfulness exercises to keep you connected, grounded, and focused at work.

282 The Future of Workplace Learning

Technology alone will not transform your learning organisation. Learn to build a business case for the future of workplace learning in your company.