Digital skills for professional services staff

There are many professional service roles across the higher and further education sectors, differing in both their organisational situations and the skillsets they need. We’ve created a collection of resources that Professional Services staff in different roles can access to reflect the digital capabilities they have – and need.

To access our list of recommended learning resources, you will need to log in to Moodle, our virtual learning environment. We’ve included a range of resources, from ‘How-to’ guides on the Microsoft website, to courses within LinkedIn Learning. As a member of staff, you have free access to LinkedIn Learning. Make sure you have registered before using any of the LinkedIn Learning courses.

A phone with a red Adobe logo on its cover.
A young man in a leather jacket standing in front of a whiteboard showing the words Start Up.
A smiling women speaks in front of a Panopto camera.
woman smiling at a laptop

All the resources have been mapped to the Professional Services in Education role profile that has been provided by Jisc. It covers a range of capabilities that may be required by professional services staff within an education setting, whatever their particular responsibilities or areas of expertise.

It’s important to stress that no one will have all the capabilities included in this profile. This is intended to demonstrate how new areas of practice are emerging and how you can use your digital skills in different areas of your role.

If you complete four or more resources within a specific digital capability, you will be eligible to apply for a range of digital badges. You can use these badges as evidence of your learning, that you can share with colleagues and wider staff within the University or via your LinkedIn profile to demonstrate your knowledge and skills.

I don’t want to follow the recommended learning pathway. How can I access these resources?

You don’t have to follow our recommended learning pathway in Moodle, you can access our full range of digital skills resources at any time by clicking on one of the following digital skills capabilities. Access our collection of resources online; save, organise and share them.

By keeping track of what you have learned, you can gain a range of digital badges that you can share with colleagues, fellow students and future employers to demonstrate your knowledge. All you need to do is complete 4 or more resources within each digital capability. Find out more on how to gain your digital badges.

I don’t know where to start. What do I do?

If you’re not sure which area you’d like to explore further, get started by completing the JISC Discovery Tool. This is a self-assessment questionnaire to evaluate your current digital skill levels. Upon completion, it will provide you with your very own, personalised report which will highlight your strengths as well as any areas you’d like to improve on.

Responses to the questions and your report are private and will only be seen by other individuals such as your manager or personal tutor if you choose to share it with them. 

Advice and support

If you have any questions or if you’re looking for further support, please contact one of our Digital Skills Advisors