Improve your digital skills
We are committed to helping our staff and students develop the digital skills and confidence they need. This is why we have launched DigiCentre, a one-stop shop for all your digital skills needs.
Here, you will find a collection of tools and resources to help you develop your digital skills. Follow our recommended collection of resources depending on your role, or keep an eye on our Training & Events page.
Further information on our commitment to Digital Skills development, can be found in our UWTSD Digital Strategy.

Not sure where to start? Let us help!
If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry, help is at hand! We’ve developed a collection of tailored resources to meet your needs. If you are a member of staff, or a student here at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, you can also track your progress to gain a number of digital badges.
All staff and students also have a Digital Skills Advisor allocated to their subject of study or area of work. So if you need some help, advice or a friendly bit of encouragement, you can book an appointment with a member of our team at a time to suit you.
Explore our digital skills collection
You can access our full range of digital skills resources at any time by clicking on one of the following digital skills capabilities. Many of our courses are from LinkedIn Learning, and as a member of staff or student, you have free access. Make sure you have registered before using any of the LinkedIn Learning courses, by logging in with your University log in details.
By keeping track of what you have learned, you can gain a range of digital badges that you can share with colleagues, fellow students and future employers to demonstrate your knowledge. All you need to do is complete 4 or more resources within each digital capability. Find out more on how to gain your digital badges.
Access your free digital skills report
If you haven’t already done so, we would recommend completing the JISC Discovery Tool. This is a self-assessment questionnaire to evaluate your current digital skill levels. Upon completion, it will provide you with your very own, personalised report which will highlight your strengths as well as areas to improve on. Your results will be aligned with the six elements of digital capability as defined by JISC, and will guide you through a list of resources to help develop the areas you need.
The JISC Discovery Tool is a part of the Digital Skills Framework, which is designed to help you evaluate your current levels of digital confidence and reflect on your development needs. The framework can be used by all staff and students at the University including Teaching Staff, Students, Researchers and Leaders.
Only takes
to complete
to your own personalised
digital skills report
Advice and support
If you have any questions or if you’re looking for further support, please contact one of our Digital Skills Advisors
Email: digitalskills@uwtsd.ac.uk