298 Using Your Computer or Device (Learn My Way)
Learn about using a computer or mobile device such as a phone or tablet. This subject covers basic skills such as using a keyboard, a mouse or a touchscreen. Please note that you will need to register for free to access this course.
283 The Mindful Workday Introduction
Bring your best self to work. Join Dr. Britt Andreatta in The Mindful Workday, a series of mindfulness exercises to keep you connected, grounded, and focused at work.
444 Ten top tips for using the internet
Learn the top ten tips for using the internet including how to bookmark web pages and browser shortcuts to make life easier when navigating around the online network.
440 Teaching and Learning Spaces Guide
At UWTSD, our teaching and learning spaces are fundamental to our core value of transforming education, transforming lives. That’s why we provide teaching and learning facilities equipped with the latest IT and Audio Visual equipment to help deliver our vision.
266 Supporting Your Mental Health While Working From Home
Learn how to thrive while working from home. Use insights from neuroscience to overcome disruptions and distractions, reframe your expectations, and keep your relationships intact.
265 Supporting and Evidencing Learning Using Digital Media
Taking photos, making videos and creating sound recordings is easy work for anyone with access to a smartphone or tablet. Once captured, image, video and audio files can be easily uploaded and stored online, edited, mixed with other evidence, shared for assessment and annotated for feedback.
239 Remote Learning
Remote learning brings new challenges, from coping with unstructured time to understanding new technologies and ways of working.
238 Remote Access and Home Working
Find out what methods are available to enable you to work away from campus, including using University laptops or your own personal device.
237 Reduce Tension With Breathwork
Learn how to use simple breathing exercises to improve your mental and physical well-being – in just moments.
229 Productivity Tips: Using Technology
In this instalment of the Productivity Tips series, productive leadership author and speaker Dave Crenshaw helps you get comfortable with technology and explains how to leverage particular tools and features to make the most of your workday.