Moesau Busnes: Cyfarfodydd, Prydau Bwyd, a Digwyddiadau Rhwydweithio
Amser Angenrheidiol
40 munud
Disgwyliad Dysgu
Level Hyder
Mae adnabod y moesau cywir am lawer math o ryngweithiadau proffesiynol yn gallu eich helpu i osgoi gwrthdaro a meithrin perthnasoedd iach â chydweithwyr.
Hawliwch eich bathodyn digidol.
When you have completed this resource, keep a record of it so that you can apply for a digital badge! Use these
badges to showcase your knowledge and skills with your peers or colleagues. Share them on your LinkedIn profile
or add them to your e-mail signature!
*Dim ond ar gael i staff a myfyrwyr yw'r rhain.
This resource counts towards one of four resources that you will need to complete to apply for the
following badge(s):
Digital communication, collaboration and participation
Digital communication, collaboration and participation
Adrodd problem
Os nad yw’r ddolen i’r adnodd hwn yn gweithio mwyach, neu os yw’n hen, rhowch wybod i ni.